Em Frente Empreendedor – SEBRAE – Online Event – Live: CLEARING PURPOSE FRAMEWORK in 60 Minutes

Text by: Veja SP

On June 8, 2020, SEBRAE along with the Cidade Criativa Cidade Feliz project received CLEAR PURPOSE to hold an online event: 1 hour of practical exercise within the CLEARING PURPOSE FRAMEWORK process.

Through the practical exercise of CLEARING PURPOSE FRAMEWORK, individually, you will be able to look at the context of your project, enterprise or organization and in 1 hour, it will be possible to raise your state of perception in order to achieve a clearer vision. In this brief 1-hour exercise, you can experience the benefits of this structure. It will be possible to organize thoughts to find meaning and a sense of accomplishment.


  • 10 minutes - Presentation and Principles.
  • 45 min - Framework process
  • 5 minutes - Consolidation and final remarks.

The CLEARING PURPOSE FRAMEWORK is a process that originally takes 8 weeks and generates clarity of vision, implementation and in-depth leadership practices at 4 levels (1 - Purpose, 2 - Vision, 3 - Meaning and 4 - Impact). This 1-hour Online Workshop format is a great option to learn and briefly experience the principles of the framework.


What we are experiencing today in this pandemic, was not foreseen in any strategic planning for 2020. Given this change, how can we understand with more organization what we are experiencing? How can we understand more deeply how to undertake something new and more sustainable? How can we have more security to invest from now on, in something that really motivates us and that can be an effective change shared and implemented? The answer to all the questions above is: reflecting to clarify our purpose. Clear Purpose was born with this goal: to help leaders organize their thoughts so that they can make their vision actionable and shareable.

To bring the practical exercise to your team, contact us: contact@clearpurpose.global

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